ZUMBA VIVE IN SUDBURY... IS AWESOME! I got to see my good friends Christina Chicoine (owner) and Krystelle! Krystelle girl you are AMAZING... so Ive actually decided to blog about YOU today... (first blog in a month haha)
Like I said...as a trainer I witness so many people who want to change their lives and get in shape. Many fail, infact only about 5% of people I see and meet in the gym are successful. You however, are above and beyond a weight lose story. Your a whole new person.
I remember when you were that...well "chubby" shy girl at the front of my class. Quiet, yet you had light in you that was just waiting to shine. HOLY SHIT, does that light now ever shine! Watching you today was inspiring... I wanted to cry... infact I did cry. Your energy, your passion, your "vibe" was expressed with each and every move.
Today I saw you in your new light, and to me, you are "ZUMBA". Fearless, fun, and full of energy.
CONGRATS, LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!