Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Checking the Ego


I really want to take the time to talk about checking the ego, as I sit here injured and sore because I couldn't. I recently watched a video posted on CrossFit Journal, once again searching for the magical program to get my stronger and faster like the elites we see all over the crossFit site. A concept that I used to swear by was brought up by one of CrossFit's greatest, Spealler. He simply stated to "listen to YOUR body". Not only during the middle of a WOD and knowing how YOU move the most efficiently but knowing when to rest, when to eat, when to it hard... we need to use other's programs to trial and error what works for our OWN bodies because when it comes down to it- we are all different. So many coaches, so many theories, and as athletes this can get confusing and frustrating, and expensive.
What we need really do is use these resources and explore them- but do not swear by them until you know it is perfect for you. Know your body inside and out... log results, progressions, and the onset of new aches and pains. Expore nutrition in the same way. Instead of letting someone tell you that something is the perfect pre/post meal- decide for yourself. Did I feel really energized after the meal? Did it help me pump out a new PR?

Only YOU can make these decisions and YOU are responsible for your results. Own up, and like I said, check the ego and discover your true weaknesses. Stop making excuses and blaming other coaches, theories, and methods because there is so much out there.
Nothing is impossible and nothing is set in stone.

So if your hungry - eat, your tired- sleep, you have energy- use it... simple solutions, just listen to YOUR body and listen to what it is trying to tell you.

This is how you prevent injuries...

So as I sit here, injured, I need to check my ego and accept the fact I did this to myself because I did not rest the onset of an injury and was too stubborn to take a day off and miss a challenge. My problem- I simply care too much on what others think- I am afraid that not doing something makes me look weak. I need to grow up, re-assess my goals and start practising what I preach because even though I can bounce back now... I am going to feel every injury in my later years.
Goal- Think long term health not short term
(example- 3 hours of muscle up practise? That is just being stupid and now I am paying for it with tendonitis )

What is your problem? Weakness? ... Know it, accept it, and work on it to become a better athlete and even a better person.

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