Thursday, January 28, 2010


Ok... so i typically am a big fan on high intensity exercise... BUT zumba in so many ways has stole a piece of my heart... its fun...effective... gives you your cardiovascular training at a fat burning zone (60-70% max HR) and is an ab workout in itself as you laugh the whole time... Check me out on March 19th at the Toronto Raptor's half time Zumba demo!!! Wooot

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


stiff leg dead lift will leave you feelin stiff the next 48 hours thats for sure... my hamstring and lower back are on FIIIIRE today. I usually do not promote fully extending the knees...but for this exercise if you want to feel a good pull in your hammies... and strengthen your lower back/ straighten your back...exercise is best done with "stiff" legs. Make sure to stick out your bum...and puff out your chest. Try and find a side mirror to make sure you are not rounding your upper back. (keep those shoulders back man!!)

*Will post a photo tomorrow!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


These take pushups to a whole new level! Not only does it require more core... but it allows you to increase your range of motion on your pushup ... be cautious if you have a shoulder injury...these may not be for you.
You can do this with almost anything...medicine balls... heck try it with two static balls (yikes). Add more core by putting your feet up on a ball...or two! Getting creative with a simple basic exercises like a pushup will prevent you from that plateau! I am currently trying to balance on one foot... and doing my pushups reaally slow...and reaalllly low.

Monday, January 18, 2010


Here is the deadly Pistol squat...when you get good..try with a weight...or even better...a kettlebell!!
New fav exercises right now... is a deadly quad and glute killer!!!!
Exercise of the week---- pistol---- I would recommend trying these holding on to something and sticking out the inside leg.
Think a single leg squat... ass to the ground sticking out one leg at a time. Make sure that you keep your weight in your heal and that you do not shift over your toe.
Killer baby!!!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Finding some kick ass studios out here and found a love for cross-fit. This high intensity training style has really taking things to the next level. Harder workouts...half the time..and twice the results. Seeing the body function and move the way it is suppose to verses relying on machines. Don't get me wrong I enjoy the odd machine for isolate exercises...however it is time for a change. The fitness industry needs a kick... needs something new... we've done the full bodies... the split routines... the aeorbic classes... the deadly stepper... from cables to BOSU that resemble space ships...
My goal is to research, try and provide feedback with different exercises and routines. Hopefully you find something new every week... with new moves... and tips from my girl Tara (who just started up her blog in which I will link once she tells me how)... WE CAN GET FIT WITH BRIT AND TONED LIKE TARA wooooooooot!!!!!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Building new clientele and a name is difficult moving somewhere where you do not know anyone. My goal is continue to train real hard...and stay positive and mentally strong. I'm going to rock it out here...learn as much as I can so I can come home and add some more ROCK to Sudbury.